Here you find links to our CellxGene and rShiny tools to explore our published datasets.

CellxGene web tool for the scRNAseq data of adult mouse ependymal cells from our upcoming manuscript Lahti et al., “Nfi and Sox9 transcription factors regulate the timing of neurogenesis and ependymal maturation in dopamine progenitors”. Coming soon to Biorxiv.

CellxGene, interactive web-based tool for exploring the dopaminergic neuron subset or the entire dataset of snRNAseq data from Yaghmaeian et al., 2024 Transcriptomic atlas of midbrain dopamine neurons uncovers differential vulnerability in a Parkinsonism lesion model. eLife

2D Shiny application for the SmartSeq-2 data and for 10x data from Tiklova et al., 2020 Single cell transcriptomics identifies stem cell -derived graft composition in a model of Parkinson’s disease. Nature Communications.

2D Shiny application used in Tiklova et al., 2019 Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Reveals Midbrain Dopamine Neuron Diversity Emerging During Mouse Brain Development. Nature Communications.

2D Shiny application used in Kee et al., 2017 Single-Cell Analysis Reveals a Close Relationship between Differentiating Dopamine and Subthalamic Nucleus Neuronal Lineages. Cell Stem Cell.